Follow our social media to stay updated on camp happenings, including announcements related to weather. During the summer we post most days on Instagram and Facebook.


Click here to view the photo album for your camper’s session. We upload daily photos so you can see what your camper is up to throughout the week. We do our best to capture the daily fun happening at camp; however it is difficult to include every camper in the daily photos due to the number of campers and activities happening. Campers are welcome to bring a disposable camera to capture their memories.


Overnight campers love receiving mail after returning from lunch. If you would like to send letters or a care package, please address your mail:

Camp Minikani c/o NAME, SESSION, CABIN
875 Amy Belle Rd
Hubertus, WI 53033

Campers are able to receive up to one care package per week, preferentially in a flat 9×12 envelope. For the safety of our campers with food allergies, care packages cannot contain food or beverages. Camp staff screens all packages prior to delivery and will confiscate food. Homemade goods and items with nuts will be discarded and undelivered.

When will I hear from minikani?

While we work hard to provide many updates on your campers, constant updates can disrupt the flow of your camper’s week and take away from the encompassing feeling of being at camp. We do try to send out as many updates as we can, including a call from your camper’s counselor a couple of days before their session, a cabin email from the counselor on Monday, an all-camp email on Wednesday, a check-out email on Thursday, and a survey email about a week after your camper’s session ends. Please know that we will always contact you with specific updates right away, but if you don’t hear from us- no news is good news!


You don’t need a stamp to write to your overnight camper. Send your child an email here that will be printed and delivered with the daily mail. Please note that emails received after 11 a.m. will be delivered the following day. Emails received after 11 a.m. on Friday are unable to be delivered to campers leaving Saturday. Day campers cannot receive emails.

Campers may reply to emails by sending hand-written letters. We suggest that your child packs letter-writing supplies and stamps so they can respond to your letters. Help us ensure they get to you by pre-addressing some envelopes with addresses of people they may want to write to.


In the event of an emergency, a camp director may absolutely connect you with your camper. Please call the office at 262-251-9080 during business hours. If you are calling after 5 p.m. or on weekends, you may reach a director by calling the emergency phone at 414-374-2259.
