Sunday, OCTober 13, 2024
Enjoy the wonderful sights and sounds of Minikani in beautiful Fall! If you’re worried about being a little chilly, come to the dining and first warm up with some chili! Then, set off and enjoy exploring Miniknai! We will have a variety of activities including Fall crafts (shrinky dinks, scratch art, pottery, and more), AC (Autumn Climbing & rock wall), caramel apple stations, pumpkin carving, a pumpkin scavenger hunt, and more! $13 gives you a full meal, a pumpkin to carve (first-come, first-serve!), and a full day of fun!
12:00–3:00 PM SCHEDULE
- Welcome: 12
- Lunch: 12:15-1:30
- Festival Activity Time!: 12:30-3
No RSVP Necessary!