As a branch of YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee, we are committed to equity and inclusion by ensuring that all members of our community have the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. We celebrate diversity and effectively engage, connect and advocate for our staff, members and volunteers, which will position us to respond and remain relevant to issues that impact our communities.

Dimensions of Diversity

The diversity wheel (right) represents various dimensions of diversity. To be truly inclusive to all, we are committed to understanding the many factors that make up and influence a person’s individuality. To learn about dimensions of diversity, please click the button below.

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our Changing Communities

Communities across the U.S. are rapidly changing. As neighborhoods become more diverse, it is important that we understand those within our community and how to best serve their interests and needs.

equality vs. equity – Advancing Equity for All

Oftentimes, the terms equity and equality are used interchangeably. However, while related concepts, equity and equality have distinct meanings. Equality is defined as treating everyone the same, while equity is providing people the tools and resources to be successful. Everyone should have the opportunity to be successful and live a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, we all do not begin life in the same situations or have the same lifestyles, backgrounds, needs and wants. Far too many people, especially those in under-served groups and communities, lack equal access to resources, opportunities or support systems. In order to fully promote equity, we must “level the playing field” by identifying and eliminating barriers and developing solutions and support systems so that individuals are able to successfully realize their potential.

In the graphic above, the apples represent opportunities that people need in order to reach their potential. The size of the individuals represents the impact that systemic inequities have on people and communities.  Lastly, the boxes represent the support systems that help individuals thrive by overcoming barriers.


At YMCA Camp Minikani we are here to support and advocate for anyone who’s been impacted by prejudice and discrimination on our grounds, in our community, or around the world. Our number one goal is to create a safe space where everyone can find belonging and is celebrated for who they are.

Camp Minikani has been around for over a hundred years, and unfortunately is a microcosm of our country and its history. We are aware of the images of very violent and horrifying games that were played at Camp Minikani in the past. We recognize and understand the pain it caused then and continues to cause today, and are deeply sorry for all the harm caused by big and small acts of racism that have taken place on our grounds. We take accountability for our past and present and encourage our staff and campers to do the same. As a space dedicated to being inclusive and welcoming to all, we condemn the previous racist actions taken on our grounds, and any current discrimination that takes place is not tolerated. We are an organization that remains committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in every community we serve — in Milwaukee, nationally and globally. As with everything we do, these actions are guided by our core values of caring honesty, respect, and responsibility — values that compel us to be an anti-racist, multicultural organization.

Our YMCA has made a commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, Global, and Equity (DIG/E) and we have embedded this work into the framework of our organization. We created a Social Responsibility Committee, a standing committee of the YMCA’s Association Board of Directors,  composed of volunteers who are advancing inclusion within their local businesses, organizations, and corporations. The Social Responsibility Committee provides support to the staff and helps develop DIG/E strategies by:

  • Serving as subject matter experts.
  • Utilizing six areas of opportunity (membership, program innovation, resource mobilization, leadership development, brand visibility, and strategic relationships).
  • Championing equity, diversity, inclusion, global processes, and behaviors throughout all levels of the organization.
  • Ensuring infrastructure and measurements are in place to monitor and achieve set goals.
  • Elevating community DIG/E opportunities and recognition events.
  • Supporting work that embeds DIG/E best practices into everyday ways of doing business.
  • Holding the Y accountable to being ‘For All’.

This work is embedded into our Strategic Plan, knowing we can be better and we are committed to improving every day.

YMCA Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Statement

The YMCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, genetic information or other legally-protected status.  The YMCA is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment consistent with its mission.
